Sunday, June 27, 2010 Gulf Coast Oil Spill

Many people have never heard about but it should be widely known as an organization committed to influencing officials with decisions that involve the communities and America as a whole. stated that “The mission of Political Action Committee is to elect Veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to public office; hold public officials accountable for their words and actions that impact America’s 21st century service members; and fully support our men and women in uniform.”

This ad by is about the Golf Coast oil spill caused by British Petroleum (BP) and how we are entirely dependant on foreign oil. This is just the beginning America is slowly depleted itself of all nonrenewable resources on energy. Soon enough it will be all gone and we would not have ever truly considered the green energy ways. We have so many different ways to create energy yet we choose the choice that is worse for us. Oil usage pollutes our air and benefits foreign countries not the U.S. VoteVets is asking the people to get to their Senators and influence and push an economy-friendly approach to energy. Alternatives such as wind power or solar power things that will not backfire as an oil spill does. This ad, however, has ways to make us stop, watch, and listen to its message. Fallacies as always are present. In the ad they state how we should vote our representatives because they are the only ones wanting to go green. Aside from fallacies there is also a use of logos, ethos, and pathos. Logos is used as an appeal to the American people, tired of the oil being spilled and harming life. Go to the representatives and make them change it. The use of the soldier is ethos we trust him to protect us why would he lie to us. He will tell us right from wrong. Showing the cleaning and how animals are being affected is pathos. The ad appeals to us from all aspects and should be a wake up call to all of us. We must become less dependant on oil and pursue other alternatives.

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