Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Just for the Record

Though we both are young, we’re special
Love is something hard to find at a young age
Yet we’ve found it.

We had our struggles:
Multiple break-ups to being questioned by your ex
Yet we have only gotten stronger.

You’re my moon and stars,
and I know I am just as important to you
You are my first kiss, a day I will always remember.

We are the joy in one another’s life
When separated we miss one another
However, when together nothing could be better.

The idea of meeting your family was crazy to me
After long self-debate I told you I’d go
I knew we were ecstatic for the occasion.

The day came I was excited yet nervous
All was well till you told me you had to take her
to work the next day
That wasn’t my concern though…
it was to spend time with you and your family.

Dinner with your brother and brunch with your Mom
Being with you at all times
Without a doubt you gave me a great weekend.

Approval by your family is great,
and I have even began to love them
Our path together is great and it will stay that way
We will always be there for each other
for strength, happiness, and love.


  1. Ah that is such a sweet peom. REally well constructed for it sounds like it is organized purely out of the emotions the author felt as they came with time.
    God Bless (:

  2. Every time you write a poem you amaze me. I love how you are able to express yourself, your thoughts, and experiences through creative writing / poetry. I know this poem is about love and acceptance? I am not very good at analyzing but I think I get the gist. Keep up the good work and continue writing what you feel.
