Sunday, June 20, 2010

A community I was apart of for three years of the four years I was in high school was the varsity choir. I started my Sophomore year in fourth period choir. I did not expect to be able to succeed in this class because of how horribly shy I was at the time. When the day came for us to “test” for our vocal range I was suffering greatly. Slowly everyone stood up one at a time to walk towards the piano to sing scales. I did not want to go I let everyone go before me. Finally I stood up to have my turn. I cautiously approached the teacher wondering what am I actually doing. He began playing the scales on the piano saying sing through an O vowel shaped mouth. I began to sing along with his playing of the scales, the higher up the scale went the less I was able to sing along. He told me to switch to an A vowel believing that was what was holding me back. However that was not the situation I had actually reached the max for my ability at least in high notes that is. We then switched to the lower octaves and back to the O vowel. He played I sang until well there was no more to go. I was an Alto 2. That was my vocal ability changed at my second testing that occurred Junior year. I was now an Alto 1. The difference between the two is an Alto 2 can go lower the lowest actually for a female part, and an Alto 1 cannot go as low. After two years I decided it was time for me to help out in the choir, I ran for choir historian. Receiving that position I just continued what I already did snap pictures. Being able to keep record of my final year of choir officially was an honor that I greatly admire. It was a great way to open myself up to others. I am not entirely out of my “shell” but I am much more open to others now. I learned how to handle different ethnicities, attitudes, and music styles. Choir but yet music now seems like second nature to me, but others would say rhythm is my second nature.


  1. Most people can not sing well and the fact that you can is great. I personally don't know anything about choir or singing but I would like to learn. You knowing this already puts you ahead of others like me that know nothing. It is good how this helped you overcome your shyness. Most people need to be part of a community in order to overcome problems as well.

  2. I am happy to say that I actually had the opportunity to see you community in action. Unfortunately we didn’t know each other very well at the time but now that you are my roommate I can hear you sing whenever I want… or whenever you feel like singing. It cool that choir got you out of your shell or at least made a crack big enough to let others in, it would be best to pursue singing in college if you truly enjoyed it in high school.
