Tuesday, June 15, 2010

De Antes, Horita, Y Del Futuro

People come and go
Things come and go
Life comes and leaves
but there are certain people that are always here...

That person seemed to be
you "one true love"
but it came to an end

You could have taken it as a mistake,
but was it...
Take it as another lesson
added to the many there will be in life
Embrace it and learn...do not live with it as regret

Life could be seen as short-lived
and there are friends that seem unbenevolent
some as "pest" holding you back...
However in reality they are really holding you back from hurt
They show us the harsh realities we fail to see

Whether they are calling to remind you
that "insignificant person" is gone...
You deserve so much more
Believe them for one very plain reason...
they mean it when they say "I Love You"
They help us through all thick and thin...

We are all told to move on...
some do, others do not
Moving on can make you realize that "pain"
endured is nothing, but a chance...
A chance to find ones true self
and to know those true to you

Hope you choose the high road
Nothing compares to love provided by
friends and family that are always by our sides...

However, in the end
Live life to the fullest,
Laugh at even the worst joke, and
Love thoughs who deserve it
and always have our best intentions at heart…


  1. I liked your poem. It contained many true things about life. Some people do come and go but there are some that just stay in our hearts forever. I agree with pretty much everything you said in here. Nobody should ever have the right to put us down. This poem is great! :D

  2. Poems are more complicated to write than what they seem, or at least for my case they are. For that reason I am impressed at the fact you were able to write such a deep poem. I couldn’t help but assume that either you or someone close to you has been through hardships but it seems like you/them have a positive way of thinking and are able to move on. This poem can be categorized as universal because I feel everyone can relate to it in a sense. I noticed it didn’t rhyme but even so it still managed to catch my attention. You’re a good poet; I give you two thumbs up my friend.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Erica, I love this poem. It's deep and true in so many ways. I was once in this same situation. I was in love and couldn't move on, but as I met my husband, he made me realize that sometimes it's best to move on. I used to write poems. I would always express myself in writing. Nothing ever made sense to me, so I'd write poems to try and figure out the world. For some reason the interest just flew away. Maybe it's because I didn't have time for them anymore, or maybe because I finally found a reason to move on and express my emotions in indescribable ways. Over all, my point is that I am happy to see that you have not lost interest, and that you have an amazing talent.
