Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Serenade by Edgar Allan Poe

So sweet the hour, so calm the time, 

I feel it more than half a crime, 

When Nature sleeps and stars are mute, 

To mar the silence ev'n with lute. 

At rest on ocean's brilliant dyes 

An image of Elysium lies: 

Seven Pleiades entranced in Heaven, 

Form in the deep another seven: 

Endymion nodding from above 

Sees in the sea a second love. 

Within the valleys dim and brown, 

And on the spectral mountain's crown, 

The wearied light is dying down, 

And earth, and stars, and sea, and sky 

Are redolent of sleep, as I 

Am redolent of thee and thine 

Enthralling love, my Adeline. 

But list, O list,- so soft and low 

Thy lover's voice tonight shall flow, 

That, scarce awake, thy soul shall deem 

My words the music of a dream. 

Thus, while no single sound too rude 

Upon thy slumber shall intrude,

Our thoughts, our souls- O God above! 

In every deed shall mingle, love.

Though this poem is not my own I fell in love with it the beginning of my Senior year when I was forced to memorize a poem for my speech class. I no longer have it memorized but I do always have it with me.


  1. Erica, eventhough I don't know you I can see that you are a very passionate person. Your love for poetry shows it. I like poetry too and I love those poems that make you analyze. Edgar Alan Poe is a great writer and you need to be able to see below the surface to really understand what is he talking about. That shows that you are a smart person and look beyond the surface. You are too shy though. Speak up and maybe we can get to be good friends.

  2. How entrancing the message of love is provided by this poem. It would be good for a marriage proposal. The deepest love makes many, even the illiterate, compose a poem that touches the depth of our souls. A serenade is what is heard upon reading the poem for it speaks of the love that was is and shall forever be. Amazing how the poet says he wants the world to know of their love for he wants nothing more than to love him/her. I can see why anyone would have a chilling connection with this poem for it is human nature to crave love.

  3. Well I do not really know anything about poems, but this poem in particular made me feel really calm and good about myself.It changed they way i saw love. This is very romantic and touching. Something my father would say to my mother. Your poems are awesome because in a way I can always relate to them.
