Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Just for the Record

Though we both are young, we’re special
Love is something hard to find at a young age
Yet we’ve found it.

We had our struggles:
Multiple break-ups to being questioned by your ex
Yet we have only gotten stronger.

You’re my moon and stars,
and I know I am just as important to you
You are my first kiss, a day I will always remember.

We are the joy in one another’s life
When separated we miss one another
However, when together nothing could be better.

The idea of meeting your family was crazy to me
After long self-debate I told you I’d go
I knew we were ecstatic for the occasion.

The day came I was excited yet nervous
All was well till you told me you had to take her
to work the next day
That wasn’t my concern though…
it was to spend time with you and your family.

Dinner with your brother and brunch with your Mom
Being with you at all times
Without a doubt you gave me a great weekend.

Approval by your family is great,
and I have even began to love them
Our path together is great and it will stay that way
We will always be there for each other
for strength, happiness, and love.

Sunday, June 27, 2010 Gulf Coast Oil Spill

Many people have never heard about but it should be widely known as an organization committed to influencing officials with decisions that involve the communities and America as a whole. stated that “The mission of Political Action Committee is to elect Veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to public office; hold public officials accountable for their words and actions that impact America’s 21st century service members; and fully support our men and women in uniform.”

This ad by is about the Golf Coast oil spill caused by British Petroleum (BP) and how we are entirely dependant on foreign oil. This is just the beginning America is slowly depleted itself of all nonrenewable resources on energy. Soon enough it will be all gone and we would not have ever truly considered the green energy ways. We have so many different ways to create energy yet we choose the choice that is worse for us. Oil usage pollutes our air and benefits foreign countries not the U.S. VoteVets is asking the people to get to their Senators and influence and push an economy-friendly approach to energy. Alternatives such as wind power or solar power things that will not backfire as an oil spill does. This ad, however, has ways to make us stop, watch, and listen to its message. Fallacies as always are present. In the ad they state how we should vote our representatives because they are the only ones wanting to go green. Aside from fallacies there is also a use of logos, ethos, and pathos. Logos is used as an appeal to the American people, tired of the oil being spilled and harming life. Go to the representatives and make them change it. The use of the soldier is ethos we trust him to protect us why would he lie to us. He will tell us right from wrong. Showing the cleaning and how animals are being affected is pathos. The ad appeals to us from all aspects and should be a wake up call to all of us. We must become less dependant on oil and pursue other alternatives.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Serenade by Edgar Allan Poe

So sweet the hour, so calm the time, 

I feel it more than half a crime, 

When Nature sleeps and stars are mute, 

To mar the silence ev'n with lute. 

At rest on ocean's brilliant dyes 

An image of Elysium lies: 

Seven Pleiades entranced in Heaven, 

Form in the deep another seven: 

Endymion nodding from above 

Sees in the sea a second love. 

Within the valleys dim and brown, 

And on the spectral mountain's crown, 

The wearied light is dying down, 

And earth, and stars, and sea, and sky 

Are redolent of sleep, as I 

Am redolent of thee and thine 

Enthralling love, my Adeline. 

But list, O list,- so soft and low 

Thy lover's voice tonight shall flow, 

That, scarce awake, thy soul shall deem 

My words the music of a dream. 

Thus, while no single sound too rude 

Upon thy slumber shall intrude,

Our thoughts, our souls- O God above! 

In every deed shall mingle, love.

Though this poem is not my own I fell in love with it the beginning of my Senior year when I was forced to memorize a poem for my speech class. I no longer have it memorized but I do always have it with me.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

A community I was apart of for three years of the four years I was in high school was the varsity choir. I started my Sophomore year in fourth period choir. I did not expect to be able to succeed in this class because of how horribly shy I was at the time. When the day came for us to “test” for our vocal range I was suffering greatly. Slowly everyone stood up one at a time to walk towards the piano to sing scales. I did not want to go I let everyone go before me. Finally I stood up to have my turn. I cautiously approached the teacher wondering what am I actually doing. He began playing the scales on the piano saying sing through an O vowel shaped mouth. I began to sing along with his playing of the scales, the higher up the scale went the less I was able to sing along. He told me to switch to an A vowel believing that was what was holding me back. However that was not the situation I had actually reached the max for my ability at least in high notes that is. We then switched to the lower octaves and back to the O vowel. He played I sang until well there was no more to go. I was an Alto 2. That was my vocal ability changed at my second testing that occurred Junior year. I was now an Alto 1. The difference between the two is an Alto 2 can go lower the lowest actually for a female part, and an Alto 1 cannot go as low. After two years I decided it was time for me to help out in the choir, I ran for choir historian. Receiving that position I just continued what I already did snap pictures. Being able to keep record of my final year of choir officially was an honor that I greatly admire. It was a great way to open myself up to others. I am not entirely out of my “shell” but I am much more open to others now. I learned how to handle different ethnicities, attitudes, and music styles. Choir but yet music now seems like second nature to me, but others would say rhythm is my second nature.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

De Antes, Horita, Y Del Futuro

People come and go
Things come and go
Life comes and leaves
but there are certain people that are always here...

That person seemed to be
you "one true love"
but it came to an end

You could have taken it as a mistake,
but was it...
Take it as another lesson
added to the many there will be in life
Embrace it and not live with it as regret

Life could be seen as short-lived
and there are friends that seem unbenevolent
some as "pest" holding you back...
However in reality they are really holding you back from hurt
They show us the harsh realities we fail to see

Whether they are calling to remind you
that "insignificant person" is gone...
You deserve so much more
Believe them for one very plain reason...
they mean it when they say "I Love You"
They help us through all thick and thin...

We are all told to move on...
some do, others do not
Moving on can make you realize that "pain"
endured is nothing, but a chance...
A chance to find ones true self
and to know those true to you

Hope you choose the high road
Nothing compares to love provided by
friends and family that are always by our sides...

However, in the end
Live life to the fullest,
Laugh at even the worst joke, and
Love thoughs who deserve it
and always have our best intentions at heart…

Sunday, June 13, 2010


My name is Erica V. Hernandez. I was born December 30, 1991, at Parkland Hospital located in Dallas, Texas. I am the oldest child to Adelita and Isidro Hernandez. I have one younger brother named Leonard C. Hernandez. This year I graduated from the School of Business and Management at Yvonne A. Ewell Towview Magnet Center. I have been studying information technology since my sophomore year. Having grown to love the studies under this field I decided to pursue a school that offers great opportunities under this area. Being the first in my immediate family to graduate from high school I have lots of goals I would like to set so that my brother can get as far as I have, but I do not want him to stop there I want him to excel passed me. I am now attending the University of Texas at Dallas located in Richardson, Texas.

In my spare time I do a lot of things related to the arts. My major hobbies include dancing, singing, drawing, poetry writing, and reading. I typically only write my poetry after long stressful times in my life. It helps me release emotions that I do not like to impose on others. These times are not frequent so I do not have many poems written. However I do love music which is how singing and dancing come to be pastimes. For many years I was involved in many dance teams ranging from praise and worship, jazz, pop, even ballet. My last three years of high school is was in our choir. My first two years I was just a fellow member. My senior year I was a member and officer. Using my love for photography I ran for historian in our choir. They are all my go to fun time things especially after busy or stressful days.

I plan to maintain who I am as my college life has just started. No one can distract me from what my goal is which is to graduate with a degree in Management Information Systems. I am now a comet and will continue to grow pride in being a student at University of Texas at Dallas. Never failing on myself, just believing in me.