Monday, July 12, 2010

Somewhere for Everyone by John Grisham

In "My Turn: Somewhere for Everyone," John Grisham argues that not all homeless are going to take life as it is. Not all of them want to live in negative limelight of the homeless. Drugs and alcohol is not the life they would like to live for themselves, however, that is how they are viewed by those that do not endure their struggles. They are frequently ignored by those more fortunate than they are. They are pushed off the streets so we do not have to deal with them. Out of sight, out of mind.

Grisham states a lot of good points in his article about homelessness and how a society only thinks of ourselves ignoring the less fortunate. We take for granted all that we have while a "hobo" can give a million thanks if we give them our change that we think is worthless.

comment on it; relate to it; identify with it on a personal level
discuss your personal feeling/experience about homelessness. relate a personal experience.


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